Just as children must be taught to read and write, solve math problems, and understand science concepts and events in history, so must they be guided in developing the qualities of character that are valued by their families and by the communities in which they live.
The CKM Committee recently met with Lori Craney of the Pocatello/Chubbuck School District #25, on April 5th. During the meeting, Craney reported that the District has had signficatly fewer incidents of misbehavior reported throughout their Elementary Schools for 2015-2016 school year. This is wonderful news and we have many wonderful Adminstrators, Teachers, School Councilors, PTA/PTO Parent Volunteers, and more that we should thank for this.
Every child has the power to succeed in school and in life. It just takes someone who believes in them. Thank you, to each one of you for making the CKM Proposal a reality. The CKM Committee hopes that we have gained your support for this next coming year. Each Kindness T-Shirt gave a child the feeling that someone believed in them. Having the opportunity to experience entire student bodies in Kindness T-Shirts, was a remarkable sight. The most important thing that will be remembered is how it all made us all feel. The students radiate a natural glow in their demeanor each time we visit our local schools for Kindness Day and/or for a Kindness Assembly. They love them! The Kindness T-Shirt gave them something that each of them long for: TO BELONG, TO FEEL INCLUDED, TO FEEL LOVED, and TO KNOW THAT THEY ARE SOMEBODY! With such encouraging results for the first year, we are excited to make our next announcement for the next year.
Drum Roll Please………..
Dave Bagley has a Masters Degree, in tax law from the University of Florida—recognized nationally as one of the top five tax programs in the country—has made numerous presentations related to estate planning and probate issues, and teaches in the Accounting Department at Idaho State University. After hearing about the CKM from a colleague at Racine Olson Law Firm, Dave invited Melissa Nelson to the ISU College of Business Building to present a CKM Presentation to his Accounting students. After the presentation that included the viewing of the locally produced Kindness video, Dave Bagley offered his professional services and to use his student’s classroom learning time as a project in establishing the Community Kindness Movement as their own Non-Profit Corporation status. Melissa is overjoyed by their generosity and excited about the CKM’s future in continuing on.
“It’s been amazing to see all the wonderful “Models of Kindness” this past year! So many have contributed their talents, time, services, and generous donations in supporting the CKM to help our children. Kindness continues to spread. Dave Bagley and the ISU Accounting students are contributing a futuristic path for the CKM to empower our youth and to help in building better and safer communities across our state. – Thank you!”
The CKM Committee
Community Kindness Award for April 2016: Dave Bagley LL.M.
Student Kindness Award for April 2016: Tara Justensen, Morgan Van Levite, Tim Roth, Andrea Lynn, and Riggan Angell.
Mt. Harrison High School Kindness Assembly – April 21st, 2016
Thank you, Angie Wojick for having my family and I visit Mt. Harrison High School to do a Kindness Assembly. We had a great time interacting with the students. Angie mentioned she read my story in the Pocatello Magazine last year and it inspired her to start the CKM in their Hi
gh School. Angie raised funds from family members to help fund Kindness T-Shirts. She used the to t-shirts to award students for being Kindness Ambassadors in their school. Angie was very deserving of a Kindness Award. We greatly appreciate her efforts in making a difference in the lives of students. Angie also shared with me how she implemented some of the Acts of Kindness themes to certain days of the week, throughout the entire school year. Such a wonderful idea! Keep up the great work Angie!
From her caring efforts, I was happy to award four Student Kindness Awards to very deserving students at Mt. Harrison High School! It wonderful to hear how they are making a difference in their school and community.
APRIL brought many SMILES, MAY we continue to see Kindness spread!
Mt. Harrison High School Celebrating April’s Kindness Day