We advocate, encourage, and inspire intentional kindness in my home, school, commUNITY, and online.
It takes just one kind act to make a positive difference in the lives of those I touch. Those acts of KINDNESS create a ripple, that contributes to a MOVEMENT.
CKM Kindness Ambassadors are amazing like-minded individuals who come together to take on an active role in promoting and encouraging others to join in our Acts of Kindness Challenges throughout our Community Kindness Week (the 3rd week in September). We also promote a themed Monthly Kindness Day, every 3rd Thursday.
And EVERY Thursday is #KindnessThursday! When we look forward to wearing our CKM Kindness shirts OR the color #yellow and invite our family and friends to join in with us!
OUR MISSION TOGETHER we strive to do better each day by making kindness part of our daily lives, which will improve the world around us, and contribute to a kindness movement for a KINDER CommUNITY. #BullyingandSuicidePrevention