Happy November Kindness Day – Thursday, Nov. 15th, 2018

Happy November KINDNESS DAY!

Kindness Strengthens Relationships



Give someone a pat-on-the-back today. Show kindness to help strengthen a relationship at home and a friendship at school

Class Discussion

Manners can show the people around us that we are mindful of them; manners can also express our respect for others. Respecting other students shows that we appreciate them. There are a lot of ways we can show respect and that includes good manners! Just remember to follow the golden rule!

“Do unto others as you would have them do to you.”

Giving compliments is a huge part of appreciating other peoples
manners. Compliments are expressing the good traits, talents or characteristics you see in another person. Compliments make you feel happy, valued and important! Everyone wants to feel important! Think of a time when someone told you something nice about yourself. You probably felt great! It also feels great to give compliments, everyone wins when you give a compliment!