October KINDNESS DAY – October 19th, 2017

October KINDNESS DAY – October 19th, 2017


October 19th, 2017

THEME: Make Kindness Your SUPERPOWER!

Wouldn’t it be amazing to have superhero powers? Which superpower would you pick — X-ray vision? The ability to leap tall buildings? Or fly at supersonic speed? In the world of comics, superpowers are often extraordinary skills that benefit others; and some can even save the day. If you had some kind of natural force or special power within you, how would you use it? When you put your heart into something, it changes everything. How you feel affects what you say and how you act — both of which greatly affect others. Isn’t this a superpower?

More and more we’re seeing that superheroes are showing up everywhere. These heroes’ superpowers are really expressions of heart values and true compassion. These values are embedded in each of us and lie dormant waiting to be cultivated. They are super because they can help rewrite a moment, heal emotional wounds, erase negative self-talk, improve relationships, nurture beauty, and grow happiness. They can change the perception and change outcomes — and ultimately, each and every time they are used, they help to create a better world.

There’s an uptick of everyday heroes unleashing a whole lot of kindness and love on our planet. It’s felt through their acts of care, compassion, tolerance and gratitude. Science is researching how these qualities of the heart can affect many things. They can change your life and the life of others; they can add light to darkness and hope to despair.

So how do you cultivate these superpowers? Here are 28 ways to improve out KINDNESS SUPERPOWER:

1. Use social media to promote positive messaging and compassion. Stand up for kindness.

3. Offer a hug or embrace for no reason.

4. Make peace with someone who has hurt you.

5. Experiment with positive attitudes. For instance, next time you go to the grocery store, enter the store with an attitude of kindness.

6. Say thank you and please every day without fail.

8. Help someone out in a practical way, such as offering help moving, cleaning up or babysitting.

9. Go on a complaint-free diet.

10. Encourage a friend or family member when they are uncertain or unmotivated.

11. Smile and make someone’s day a little brighter.

13. Send a kind email or card.

14. Invite someone new into your tribe; alleviate loneliness for just one person.

15. Hold the door open for the person behind you.

16. If you see someone being bullied, stand up for them.

17. Strike up a conversation with a stranger.

18. Let someone into your lane while driving.

19. Be generous with words of praise and appreciation.

20. Choose your mood. Notice yourself feeling upset, frustrated, impatient, angry, stressed or anxious. Take a few moments to shift that feeling..

21. Pray. Meditate on loving kindness: May you be happy, healthy, peaceful and loved.

22. Give someone a place to stay.

23. Say “I love you” more often to your family and friends.

24. Serve as a mentor. Generously share what you know and make it easier for someone else.

25. Commit to consistent self-care for yourself.

26. Adopt a neighbor. Many of us know of someone in our neighborhood who is either a single parent, or has a spouse in the military, or maybe is an elderly person living alone.

27. Power in Numbers. Crowd-sourcing is another act of care. We’re seeing more and more viral funding campaigns to help those in need. Instead of fuming over the news, people are transforming their anger into networking missions by tapping into their social networks to raise money.

28. Showing up and giving support to someone that has asked for it.

Maybe you’re not leaping tall buildings in a single bound, but remember your care, kindness and love have the power to transform many things. Cultivate your heart coherence and you’ll be surprised by the number of things in a day that you can change and improve for yourself and others. Amazing things can happen.


Did you know that as a young person, YOU have fifty percent (50%) more chance of stopping school bullying ( by standing up and telling the bully this it’s not ok) than a teacher does?!?!

BOOM! Well, that why the Community Kindness Movement has evolved into what it is today. We are here to help give our future generation the tools needed to help stop it!  October is Bullying Prevention Month. Tomorrow we are celebrating our monthly KINDNESS DAY and teaching our youth that they are BRAVER, SMARTER, and STRONGER than they think. They each have the power to be a WORLD CHANGER.

Have a Happy Kindness Day…..Remember to wear your YELLOW KINDNESS T-SHIRTS!



Tomorrow we will send out our  CKM Kindness Week 2017  slide show.