Pocatello City and Pocatello/Chubbuck School District Kindness Movement Proposal

Pocatello City and Pocatello/Chubbuck School District Kindness Movement Proposal


New Proposal coverI finally finished writing my Community Kindness Movement Proposal, that I submitted to the Pocatello & Chubbuck Mayors Office and the Pocatello/Chubbuck School District to review. It was finished on July 3rd, 2015. I have heard back from the Mayor’s Office and they have approved the community portion of the proposal and both Mayor Blad and Mayor England are going to be writing a proclamation for a Community Wide “Kindness Week” for Pocatello and Chubbuck to celebrate each year. The date for Kindness Week is September 21st-27th! There are many other things that the proposal includes, but we are in the mist of getting everything assigned and planned.

The School District has looked through it and we are meeting to discuss implementation. I am really excited and I feel inspired and hope the community will embrace it too! I have spent countless hours serving in our community and know that if we can give our children the right tools, that they in turn can teach each other. Not only, do I believe that empathy is taught in our homes, but I also believe that us parents are the examples. Our actions are mimicked by our children. “May WE remember, that we are the true models of Kindness”.

I hope that in the end that we find a more unified community and happier and safer learning environment for our children.

School District approved this proposal and has been very respectful in carrying out the vision that was intended. I appreciate their support.

We also put together a school wide Kindness Video that is being produced by Cade Sutton, a local 18 year old, Youtube video maker. We also have our local Pocatell/Chubbuck school students starring in the video. We are excited about it and hope the kids will feel inspired. For they all can be “World Changers” it just takes a simple thought, that turns into a simple action, that can create a small ripple effect, and then possibly turns into a Tidal Wave!