Kindness Begins With Me Program Planning 2016-17

Next school year is slowly creeping up on us and we find that it’s time to start planning for the KINDNESS BEGINS WITH ME PROGRAM in your schools. Let’s get started! We hope that all the schools that were wanting to participate this year, have filled out the application on our website. If you have not filled out the application, please do so HERE!

New Design 2


We are excited to introduce the 2016-2017 Kindness Theme this year. We loved last year’s Tidal Wave Theme and believe that we experienced a Kindness Tidal Wave here in Pocatello and Chubbuck last year.  The new theme for 2016-17 School Year is: “Kindness Comes Around FULL Circle!”. The theme ties into the 2016 Kindness T-Shirt design.


We want to thank all our continuing sponsors and new sponsors. If our are a new sponsor and we have not received your logo, please send it to If we are still awaiting your business’s sponsorship donation, the deadline is August 20th. We greatly appreciate all of our sponsors. We know that your support makes this all possible for our kids. We would also like to thank the Idaho PTA for their continued support and partnership.


We have established our own CKM Non-Profit Corporation status. A BIG Thank You to Dave Bagley and his ISU Students.


We would like to welcome the new schools that are joining us this year and welcome back schools who joined us last year. We have updated most of our current school resource pages on our website. We hope you find it helpful in planning the Kindness Begins With Me Program. Please feel free to contact Melissa at, if you have  questions or need further guidance. We are here to help!


  • Kindness Week and Kindness Day Dates – Click Here
  • Fundraising Packets – Click Here
  • Basic CKM Instructions – Click Here
  • Kindness T-Shirt Order Forms – Click Here
    • Teacher-Order-FormOrder forms need to be distributed to every teacher in your school, the first week of school. T-Shirt Order deadline is September 1st.  We recommend each teacher filling out a teacher order form for their pwn classroom. We then recommend making a Master School Order Form to send into the CKM. Hold onto the Teacher Order Forms for distribution purposes when your school’s Kindness T-Shirts arrive. Distributing them by classroom before actual Kindness Day is highly recommended. Please remember to send us an email with your schools name and the sponsorship logos that need to be on the back of your school’s Kindness T-Shirts.
    • We have also have available a Kindness T-Shirt Order Forms to help you with parent and school fundraising.
    • For schools that are joining us after Kindness Week, feel free to submit your orders when you are ready to start the program.
  • Kindness Week Parent Introductory Letter – Click Here
    To help introduce the Kindness Begins with Me Program, we send out a Parent Letter to help explain what Kindness Week will include and what the Acts of Kindness themes are for each day. Have fun with this, parents are encouraged to join in. Kindness T-Shirts are available to order on our website if parents would like join your school in wearing them on Thursdays.
  • Kindness Week Daily Themes – “Acts of Kindness Calendar” – Click Here
    • It’s important to print this calendar out for each classroom and to post around your school. We highly recomActs-of-Kindness-Week-2016-17mend dedicating a school bulletin board to help remind the students of the theme each day. Each morning have the teachers discuss the Act of Kindness that day and give examples of ways that the students can perform them.
  • School Planning Packet – Click Here
    • Take into account that this is last year’s planning packet. We are currently revising it for this next year. This packet version will help you get started and give you helpful planning ideas. We will send an update once it is revised.
  • DIY Kindness Assembly – Click Here
    • With the information on this page you can plan your own Kindness Assembly Kick-off at your school!
  • Kindness Video – Click Here
    • We will be using our locally produced Kindness Video from 2015-2016 school year. We will be updating and making current editing changes. We will have it ready for the 2016-2017 school year. We recommend showing the Kindness Video on Monday, the first day of Kindness Week, in a classroom setting for all students to see. We highly recommend teachers facilitating a discussion about what the students saw in the video. The video is a great resource in helping students visualize the reason why we are celebrating a Kindness Week and what the Kindness T-Shirts represent.  The video shows how one child acted upon a kind thought and how that one kind action grew into a ripple effect spreading throughout the entire school. We hope that you will see your school experience a kindness ripple effect. Once we have the current updates to the Kindness Video we will send out a link to view.
  • Kindness Day Monthly Themes – Click Here
    • We have planned NEW MONTHLY THEMES for this next school year! Every 3rd Thursday is our celebrated Kindness Day. The CKM Committee have put together wonderful themes to help you plan. You are welcome to use our themes or you can plan your own. Currently, our themes are centered around elementary school level. We will be providing secondary options soon  and will add them to the same page. Please check back with us.October

We know your students are going to LOVE IT – Happy Planning!



Kindness Begins With Me Program Planning 2016-2017

Kindness Begins With Me Program Planning 2016-2017

Next school year is slowly creeping up on us and we find that it’s time to start planning for the KINDNESS BEGINS WITH ME PROGRAM in your schools. Let’s get started! We hope that all the schools that were wanting to participate this year, have filled out the application on our website. If you have not filled out the application, please do so HERE!


New Design 2


We are excited to introduce the 2016-2017 Kindness Theme this year. We loved last year’s Tidal Wave Theme and believe that we experienced a Kindness Tidal Wave here in Pocatello and Chubbuck last year.  The new theme for 2016-17 School Year is: “Kindness Comes Around FULL Circle!”. The theme ties into the 2016 Kindness T-Shirt design.


We want to thank all our continuing sponsors and new sponsors. If our are a new sponsor and we have not received your logo, please send it to If we are still awaiting your business’s sponsorship donation, the deadline is August 20th. We greatly appreciate all of our sponsors. We know that your support makes this all possible for our kids. We would also like to thank the Idaho PTA for their continued support and partnership.


We have established our own CKM Non-Profit Corporation status. A BIG Thank You to Dave Bagley and his ISU Students.


We would like to welcome the new schools that are joining us this year and welcome back schools who joined us last year. We have updated most of our current school resource pages on our website. We hope you find it helpful in planning the Kindness Begins With Me Program. Please feel free to contact Melissa at, if you have  questions or need further guidance. We are here to help!


  • Kindness Week and Kindness Day Dates – Click Here
  • Fundraising Packets – Click Here
  • Basic CKM Instructions – Click Here
  • Kindness T-Shirt Order Forms – Click Here
    • Teacher-Order-FormOrder forms need to be distributed to every teacher in your school, the first week of school. T-Shirt Order deadline is September 1st.  We recommend each teacher filling out a teacher order form for their pwn classroom. We then recommend making a Master School Order Form to send into the CKM. Hold onto the Teacher Order Forms for distribution purposes when your school’s Kindness T-Shirts arrive. Distributing them by classroom before actual Kindness Day is highly recommended. Please remember to send us an email with your schools name and the sponsorship logos that need to be on the back of your school’s Kindness T-Shirts.
    • We have also have available a Kindness T-Shirt Order Forms to help you with parent and school fundraising.
    • For schools that are joining us after Kindness Week, feel free to submit your orders when you are ready to start the program.
  • Kindness Week Parent Introductory Letter – Click Here
    To help introduce the Kindness Begins with Me Program, we send out a Parent Letter to help explain what Kindness Week will include and what the Acts of Kindness themes are for each day. Have fun with this, parents are encouraged to join in. Kindness T-Shirts are available to order on our website if parents would like join your school in wearing them on Thursdays.
  • Kindness Week Daily Themes – “Acts of Kindness Calendar” – Click Here
    • It’s important to print this calendar out for each classroom and to post around your school. We highly recomActs-of-Kindness-Week-2016-17mend dedicating a school bulletin board to help remind the students of the theme each day. Each morning have the teachers discuss the Act of Kindness that day and give examples of ways that the students can perform them.
  • School Planning Packet – Click Here
    • Take into account that this is last year’s planning packet. We are currently revising it for this next year. This packet version will help you get started and give you helpful planning ideas. We will send an update once it is revised.
  • DIY Kindness Assembly – Click Here
    • With the information on this page you can plan your own Kindness Assembly Kick-off at your school!
  • Kindness Video – Click Here
    • We will be using our locally produced Kindness Video from 2015-2016 school year. We will be updating and making current editing changes. We will have it ready for the 2016-2017 school year. We recommend showing the Kindness Video on Monday, the first day of Kindness Week, in a classroom setting for all students to see. We highly recommend teachers facilitating a discussion about what the students saw in the video. The video is a great resource in helping students visualize the reason why we are celebrating a Kindness Week and what the Kindness T-Shirts represent.  The video shows how one child acted upon a kind thought and how that one kind action grew into a ripple effect spreading throughout the entire school. We hope that you will see your school experience a kindness ripple effect. Once we have the current updates to the Kindness Video we will send out a link to view.
  • Kindness Day Monthly Themes – Click Here
    • We have planned NEW MONTHLY THEMES for this next school year! Every 3rd Thursday is our celebrated Kindness Day. The CKM Committee have put together wonderful themes to help you plan. You are welcome to use our themes or you can plan your own. Currently, our themes are centered around elementary school level. We will be providing secondary options soon  and will add them to the same page. Please check back with us.October

We know your students are going to LOVE IT – Happy Planning!